Posts and Subscriptions


The Mobile Mojo Dojo Casa House and Toad

Thank you so much for reading.  I plan to post 2 days a week with the occasional "bonus" post if we are somewhere extra interesting.  The schedule may be interrupted by a lack of connectivity, like when we were staying at Beaver Creek in Pocahontas County, WV, or by the confusion caused when you are retired, traveling, and have know idea what day it is.

The easiest way to know when there's been a new post is to "subscribe" and then you'll get an email with a preview of the new content and a link to the full post.  This is not a spam collection trick by either me or Google.  You may, of course, just check back periodically and catch up on where we are.  But, Axel subscribes and he's a pretty smart dog.  The subscription link is now on the right column, choose the "posts" option.

The second easiest way to know when there's been a new post is to send me an email now saying you want to know and then I'll send you a private email with a link when I post a new post.  

We also have the comments turned on.  As long everyone is nice and we don't get overrun by the Spambots --- sounds like a villain from "The Six Million Dollar Man" -- we'll keep them on and look forward to engaging with everyone.  You are also free to email directly.

The embedded links will always go to places I think will be helpful or are funny.  You may not think they are either of those, but you don't need to worry about suddenly seeing a screen full of scary or gross things.

1 comment:

July into August, 2024 – Olean, NY

Hey there, True Believers!  It’s been a quick minute since my last post and you’re probably out of the habit of checking in for updates.  Ho...